Jin's Blog

[Java 9] Java Shell (2)

March 02, 2018 | 1 Minute Read

As I mentioned in previous post, Java shell provides efficient learning curves. Additional examples are as follow.


jshell> 1 + 2
$1 ==> 3
|  created scratch variable $1 : int

jshell> 300 + 200 * 3
$2 ==> 900
|  created scratch variable $2 : int

jshell> int n = 200
n ==> 200
|  created variable n : int

jshell> 500 + n
$4 ==> 700
|  created scratch variable $4 : int

jshell> Math.random()
$7 ==> 0.16572370373476242
|  created scratch variable $7 : double

if statement

jshell> if ( 100 < 20 ) System.out.println("True"); else System.out.println("No")

for loop

for (int i =0; i< 3; i++) System.out.println("The value : " +i);
The value : 0
The value : 1
The value : 2

collection (List)

jshell> List<String> myList = List.of("Jin", "Park", "Programmer")
myList ==> [Jin, Park, Programmer]
|  created variable myList : List<String>

jshell> myList.contains("Jin")
$9 ==> true
|  created scratch variable $9 : boolean

jshell> myList.contains("Ed")
$10 ==> false
|  created scratch variable $10 : boolean

jshell> myList.size()
$11 ==> 3
|  created scratch variable $11 : int

jshell> myList.toString()
$12 ==> "[Jin, Park, Programmer]"
|  created scratch variable $12 : String